I hate this new format! It is so unforgiving and good talent will be sent packing. I'm speaking of Michael Sarver, Nick Braddy, and Jackie Tohn. Of course, I like Michael cause he is a manly man but his performance was not gut grabbing tonite. I really would like to hear more from Nick Braddy, even though he was a bit melismatic. And I love Jackie Tohn's raspy voice and she is a funny lady! But I totally did not get her song choice. She should have sung Janis Joplin and risked the criticism that Amanda got for always doing Joplin. I would love to hear her sing Piece of My Heart. And, I agreed she did a bit too much dancing around on the stage. So...if they could make it to Wild Card night that would be great.
And, I finally have female singer to root for in Alexis Grace. I love her bluesy jazzy voice. And, she looked awesome. If I were her age and size I would wear that black dress and those long pearls every single day and night. I even forgivie her multi-colored hair because its done *tastefully* lol. It was painful to watch Stevie, Casey, and Anne Marie perform. Anne Marie might have pulled off that song if she had sung it more like Carole King and less like Aretha.
Danny Gokey was good but I wish he would quit beating his dead wife and imitating David Cook. I'm pretty sure Cook sang the Heroes song at some point and I know he has recorded it. Anoup was disappointing to me but he was never in my top male list to begin with. The other guy who sang a country song is a sweetheart, but this new format will kill him off.
Now, in case you think I have forgotten Tatiana (how I wish I could) let me just say I knew she would sing Whitney. She didn't butcher it but she didn't nail it either and I thought she was offkey during the dramatic parts and her *high* note was weak. Her low notes were just plain awful...as she made David Archuleta's gasping look normal.
Her new *persona* (she tries a different one on all the time evidently in her marketing quest) did not fool ME and I bet it didn't fool America. No dearie, I am not buying that the person we saw at your first audition handing out sexy photos of yourself and laughing manically and continuing to sing when they told you to stop is not the *real* you. And, did anyone notice that all of the sudden she speaks with a Puerto Rican accent? I'm not just talking about her rolling her R's on Puerto Rico. Anyone would think she just fell off the boat tonite hearing her phony up her hispanic credentials with an accent she either faked or which she worked hard to lose when she went to Hollywood to pursue her dream and which now she thinks will make her endearing to Selena fans.
Stll, I think Idol likes her drama and I bet she gets through if not tomorrow nite, in the Wild Card section. She is the new Sanjaya!