I really thought they were saving the save for Majesty. Even as the weeks went on and America kept putting her near the bottom of the pack. I was surprised when they did not save her tonight but I think if they had it would not have made a difference. I didn't dislike her but I didn't get the love either. She gets to go on tour and that is great.
Poor CJ looked like he was about to cry during the entire show. I think he knew he was going to be in the bottom. JLo's face when Dexter was safe, was priceless. She was not pleased. Neither was I. I'm about done with him.
But I love love the new 30 minute results show. Fine to have an artist on but really, the hour format for the results show has been screaming to be shortened for the past 13 years.
Alex looked kind of worried tonight too. He is growing on me as a person. Caleb was a little shocked to be kept waiting so long to go to the lounge. I wonder if they called them to safety in vote order or random order?
I just hope next week is a good show.