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Thursday, March 19, 2015

So Many Titles

I cannot decide what to title this blog post.  Before the judges saved Qassim it was to be called "Deliver us From Seavy".  But the save, and Qassim's performance sort of made that title anti-climactic.  And "They Came Together" sounds just wrong.  So, no fancy title tonight. 

First, I want to say I am happy about the save.  Before the judges said anything, I was thinking Qassim's was at least in the top 2 of the performances tonight, if not the best performance.  Finally, he kept the dancing fool stuff to a minimum.  And how perfectly serendipitous that he sang "Come Together" while trying to get the judges to unanimously use the save over him.  I don't think he will be in danger next week.  

Now for the rest of the show.

Adanna sang I Love You I Do from Dream Girls.  JLo and I noticed that her lower register was not good.  I didn't think much of her higher register either.  Jennifer Hudson is becoming one of those people whose songs you just don't try to sing.  I wouldn't be sorry to see her go next week.  She sang first and that is not a good spot for the voting but who knows with the new voting format.  

And oh crap, here comes Daniel Skeevy Sanjaya  Seavy.  He sang "Lost Stars".  I wish he was lost.  I thought he had terrible "intonation" problems, he blew one of the high falsetto notes, and it was just, in my opinion, as awful as JAX's performance last week.  The judges didn't seem to notice anything bad.  Maybe they think if they trash him too bad he will get sympathy votes.  All I know is that if Vote For the Worst was still in place, he would be their choice.  No doubt in my mind.  

Rayvon tried to change it up and be more lively with Stayin' Alive.  They said he changed the arrangement but I didn't really notice that too much...maybe it was a little slower?  It has been awhile since I heard that song.  Really all I could think about was John Travolta walking down the street in Saturday Night Fever.  At least that is the song I remember playing as he walks down the street.  It has been awhile since I've seen (or thought of ) that movie too.  I have come to the conclusion that Rayvon is the sweetest guy in the world but he is ultimately bland. Maybe he should stick to heart-wrenching ballads.  

Nick Fradiani is trying to break out of his shell too and sings Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins.  I saw he was trying and maybe we shouldn't see him trying so hard.  I really like him but he needs a moment and this was not it.  Although, it was better than most of his performances.  Sing a ballad Nick.  

Joey Cook sang Mad World.  When Adam Lambert sang this song it was arguably his finest of many "moments" on Idol.  She was moving.  Not quite a moment but almost.  I love how Joey dresses to the song.  I have been thinking about her outfit in Fancy all week and wish I was young enough and thin enough to wear it.  This week, talking about school, she wears a schoolgirl plaid dress.  She always wears those full "new look" skirts though and I like them on her too.  For those of you who were born after 1965, the "new look" is a term used to describe Dior's revolutionary fashion collection in the mid-50's.  It featured the tight waists and very full skirts we associate with that period.  It was new because depression era and wartime fashions featured straight skirts and more masculine looks.  And the end of austerity and war time rationing allowed people to use lots of material in their dresses.    Ok, this had nothing to do with the song Mad World which is about something who is different who feels like an outsider and I think Joey related to that and it showed.  

Oh Tyanna!  They crucified her singing of A Circle of Life!  They let that little skeevy kid get away with murder and they acted like Tyanna might not even make it next week.  This is judicial bias and I call for them to recuse themselves next week.  And now, after trashing her, they cannot save her.  I agree I have enjoyed other performances more but this wasn't awful.  Of course, as we all know I'm tone deaf except when the kid sings and then I hear all the intonation problems.  

After Tyanna, JLo performed in what could be called a new look dress on more steroids than Lance Armstrong could even dream of.  She sang a song from the moving "Home", an animated feature from Dreamworks, so this was a plug for the movie and the song.  Who knows if she was lip syncing or auto-tuned but it wasn't an unadulterated live performance that is for sure.  The light show on the dress material distracted me for awhile. 

Quentin, who I'm sure knows all about Dior and the new look, sang "You're The One That I Want" from Grease.  More John Travolta images in my mind.  He slowed it down to a dirge like plea for his love to get her act together.  I liked the arrangement actually.  Keith pointed out it was not original to Quentin.  Harry pointed out that Quentin wasn't in tune.  I'm not sure how this is going to pan out with the voters.  I still like the guy though.

Maddie Walker was up next.  Country fans will not let her go.  She sang "Let's Hear It For the Boy".  I didn't recognize this song.  I'm not as hip as JLo's mother (JLo commented this was one of her mother's favorite songs). Harry had the best critique.  He said it was pageanty. None of the judges really liked it.  She had on a spangled outfit and a headband.  Like Olivia Newton John in the 70's.  She should have been in Quentin's song. 

Kenny Loggins is a surprise guest singing Footloose which took up some time.  Seeing him made me realize how old I am.  

Up next is Clark Beckham.  I was getting worried about him at this point but to be honest...I had sort of forgotten about him which doesn't bode well for his future on the show.  He sang Sunday Morning accompanied only by his guitar.  It was good.  Not quite a moment, but more interesting than his last 2 or 3 performances.  

So...here is the suspense.  JAX and Qassim are left in the red lighted chairs.  I don't know if JAX got the 2nd lowest number of votes but if she didn't she should have.  She decides she is going to try to out Kiwi Joey this week and copies her performance style by sitting on a stool and singing I Want to Grow Old With You from the Wedding Singer.  A quirky song.  She has taken to wearing Joey's new look skirts too.  What is with this?  Joey has now influenced JLo and JAX and Maddie had already copied Joey weeks ago.  Except, like the Jersey girl she is, she has to have even bigger hair (with a felt bow in it...throwback to the 50's like Joey too) and her dress has to be sparkly spandex.  Teresa Guidice of the Real Housewives of New Jersey would be proud of her if Teresa wasn't in the pen for fraud at the moment.  I didn't think she was that good.  It was breathy and her tone was inconsistent (because she has no real tone...just what she copies from others).  Blah.  

I have already commented on Qassim and the save.  I'm glad they saved him.  I hope we don't lose Tyanna next week because of the biased judging.  I'm going to go vote for her and do me a favor and vote for her too if it is not too late because she is a keeper!