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Friday, March 13, 2015

No Joi

in my little ville because of the insane elimination of Serena Joi Crowe.  My "buddy" Slezak (I call him this because I love his blog and I usually agree with him and he is so much more clever than I am) is nearly destroyed by this turn of events.  I cheated and read his blog before writing this but will try not to let his opinion influence me too much.  He actually predicted this elimination last night but I don't think he really believed it would happen and neither did I but...in retrospect, I see  how it happened.

Before we got to that sad conclusion, there was a show to watch.  Fox is pushing Empire incessantly.  The leading lady comes out on stage to give Ryan the results.  I don't watch that show because it looks entirely too nerve wracking with all the yelling and the fighting and the guns and maybe the bad guys win which I know will distress me.  I'm just too old for that (expletive deleted).

The theme was "Let's Get the Party Started".  It was a theme that was loosely interpreted by the contestants but fine. 

Rayvon is declared safe first and sings "Burn".  The comments by Scott suggest he needs to step it up.  He does have a little more energy tonight and actually moves around in a 2 foot circle on stage.  Keith and JLo think its wonderful but Harry cautions him to change his arc.  He has some glory notes.  Ok...I'm done chatting him up, so let's move on to another part of the party.

I really thought Maddie Walker might be a goner and was surprised when she was called second (even though it was all in "no particular order").  She gets to sing a country song called of all things: "She's Country".  She is wearing Daisy Dukes and boots and she does a pretty serviceable job of it but she really doesn't excite me. Come to find out, she is sick which is probably why she went up early and was shuttled off to the doc.  That will get her some votes.  Clearly, the country contingent is not taking the near complete exclusion of all country singers from the top group lightly and are power voting.  

OK, now I'm going to say that I am not quite in love with Joey Cook but I will say her performance was the second best of the night.  I had not heard the song "Fancy" and didn't know if Iggy Iglesius was a man or a woman.  Isn't there a country song about Fancy taking her self to town? But, I digress.  I loved this song and I loved Joey's performance and then I went to Youtube to see the original version and I was thinking:  no wonder I had never heard of it...this is rap crap!.  And I don't love the original song.  It is stupid.  But it is wonderful in the arrangement Joey discovered and performed.

Ok, now I enter the 6th circle of Hell as someone comes on and raps about the Empire show.  Well, I got within inches of the 6th circle before I escaped to the bathroom.

My favorite Clark Beckham is safe thank goodness.  He plays the piano (a first for him) and performs "Takin' It To the Streets".  It was fine but not my favorite performance of his.  

America's new sweetheart, JAX is going to do a Taylor Swift song and in the prelude talks to Scott about how she is discovering "her sound".  I think she chose the song to suck up to Scott who made Taylor Swift what she is today.  The song is called Blank Spaces and is, according to JAX, an anthem.  I have heard it before and as much as I loathe Taylor Swift, I have to say JAX made me loathe Taylor more for writing a song that someone like JAX would sing.  This was a disaster and there is no other way to spin it but I am not surprised.  I knew she was all glitter and no gold.  JLo says JAX lost her special voice on this song.  Well of course she did, since its a fake voice and now she has found her true sound which is awful.

Qassim has a guitar and is going to sing Jet by Paul McCartney and Wings and of course I know this song.  He really tries just to stand there and sing but has to get a few moves in.  I like the guy, I really do.  But I thought his voice was awful on that song and that the judges gave him a huge pass on it.  He is not a dumbo though.  He knew what a suffragette is and I was proud of him for giving Harry the answer he did.  

Then they call Adanna Durue.  And I write "OH NO" because I know it means that either Sarina Joi or Tyanna is going home unless by some chance the grandmas didn't vote for the kid.  I have decided I don't like her all that much.  I was rereading some of the blog entries and realize she was in the "mean girl" group in Hollywood Week.  Plus I dont' like the way she moves on stage.  It isn't natural.  She sang "Runaway Baby" and I thought it was a little messy but the judges think she is wonderful (of course they picked her as a wild card so it is too soon to admit they might have screwed up).  

I think I see Tyanna looking a bit glum at the end of Adanna's performance but then her name is called and she is back on cloud nine.  She sang "Tightrope" which was sung by some contestant a year or so ago.  I can only say I agree with Harry.  This was amazing.  I love love love this girl.  She surprises me with every performance.  I watch with a huge smile on my face!  She is just wonderful and for me to say this about a 16 year old is completely out of character for me because I don't like those young upstarts as a rule.  

It was 72 degrees today here in God's Country but I still had my house shoes on so they were not available for me to vomit into when Daniel Skeevy Sanjaya Seavy was called to the stage.  Grandmas, get off your computer. Why did your kids teach you to text vote? This kid is in way over his head, is getting a way too big head and is just awful.  He won't go home.  He is a cockroach.  He cannot be exterminated.  

So now I'm thinking that its going to be a sad ending.  I decided I'm liking Quentin ok, Nick is a favorite of mine, and of course, Sarina Joi who has tried so hard for so long to make it only to perhaps be denied a chance to perform live on the Idol Stage (I didn't realize last night was not live).  

Quentin sings Rolling In the Deep which he says is a party song in New Orleans.  Now I know New Orleans has some strange customs being sort of French and all but I find that hard to believe.  He did a nice job.  It wasn't as good as last night's performance.  

And then Nick sings Wake Me Up.  I agree with the comments.  He needs to realize this is all about him and step up more but this was a good performance. 

Poor Serena.  I didn't even think she did a good job on her song.  Who can blame her?  She knew it was over.  

Life is not fair.