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Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Love You Peggi Blu

If you haven't realized that the Producers are pimping Colton Dickson and HeJun for the win yet, you haven't been watching the show.  Two hours of programming,  and between the two of them I think they were featured for eight minutes or more.  In between the Colton and Hejun stroking, we saw some decent performances of songs I love.

In keeping with the Colton/HeJun theme, the show starts with Colton's group singing (I think) *Dedicated to the One I Love*.  Little Skylar, the country girl who shoots animals in her spare time, comes through on the harmony despite the tension leading up to the performance.  They send Carrie, one of the blondes who I cannot tell from the other blondes, home.  Colton's other backup singers made it through.

Adam Gokey Brock is in a group of all women...I wonder if the men know he is a puke and walked far away from him as the groups were formed.  The group does a decent rendition of Great Balls of Fire with Adam doing his screamy growl as he bounces up and down on the piano bench.  The only interesting one of that group to me is Angie Ziederman.  As we learn later, she is cut in order to keep some mediocre blondes (and that brat Brielle with the insufferable mother) in. 

The next group is featured because its another way to bring Colton to our attention.  His sister, Schuyler, who he muscled out for glory in the auditions, miraculously is still in the competition although we haven't seen or heard her since she was standing in the corner watching the judges make over Colton and ignore her on audition day. I assumed she was gone by now.  This is not a really strong group (were they all blonde?) and she is the only one of the three who I recognized and remember now. I didn't really get the WWII outfits since they were at least a decade off in time and had nothing to do with the song *Why Do Fools Fall in Love*. 

Reed Grimm (who is playing 3rd fiddle to Colton and HeJun tonight) and his group are great singing *The Night Has A Thousand Eyes*.  I like little Eben, and Haley and Elise seem like nice women. I liked that they gave Eben kiss marks on his cheeks. 

Next up is Richie the Cowboy or as we are learning each episode, the Eddie Haskell of the season.  He is too good for everyone (he thinks) and doesn't take a clue when his former group (and everyone else) run from him in the group forming session as if he soiled himself.  Poor Germaine is stuck with Richie's hat and no cattle.  After Richie disses Germaine because he cannot harmonize the two manage to pull out a decent performance.  I love Germaine's voice.  I love Germaine The judges are fooled by Richie Eddie Haskell and think he is a nice guy when Germaine is really the nice one.  But if Richie makes it to the top 24, America has seen his smarmy two-faced arrogant self and will not vote for him.  He is NOT the next Scotty McCreary. [Update:  I read on another blog that he punched a girl in the face on the bus.  I missed that!  Someone enlighten me!]

We learn that at least two more blondes are safe.  Praise the Lord.

The first day ends with a performance that I thought was a complete mess but the judges loved.  In particular, I thought Diandre with the curly hair and falsetto voice was channeling Tiny Tim (is he dead yet?).  He throws his hair around for effect...I will get sick of that hair action pretty quick if he lingers on.

The first act of day 2 is 4 guys singing Jailhouse Rock.  I wasn't impressed but all but one make it through for now.  I really couldn't tell them apart and no one stood out for me in this group.

And pride does goeth before a fall.  The second group, doing the Supremes doesn't think it needs to rehearse with the band or get help from a vocal coach because the members are *all professionals* and know what they are doing.  They do a bad karaoke version of *You Keep Me Hanging On* and do not understand why they didn't get a standing O. Jessica, who was the sobber with the boyfriend recovering from a stroke, shows her true nature when she sour grapes it off the show saying *I am an artist* and complaining that others who are not *artists* made it through and *American Idol doesn't want artists*.  Now maybe Idol isn't looking for real *artists* but honey, you knew all about Idol when you signed up and you just know the day before you thought the best thing in the world would be you standing under the confetti.  Goodbye sore loser.

Finally, the real star of the show, Peggi Blu is featured as she yells at poor Lauren (another blonde).  *There's no cryin' in music.*  Lauren and the other gal, Wendy Taylor (was she blonde too?) handle *Will You Love Me Tomorrow?* just fine but poor Mathenny flounders and goes home.  Peggi Blu is awesome and needs her own reality show where she does vocal coaching for kids with stage parents and puts the bratty kids (like Brielle) and the bratty moms (like Breille's stage mom) in their place when they get out of line. 

And now, the 2nd star of the show, HeJun faces Peggi Blu and they have a big love fest because don't you know HeJun is just perfecto and Peggi Blu loves him. I'm a little worried about Peggi Blu's integrity now but I'm hoping they cut the parts where she disembowels HeJun and just kept the part where they hugged and made up.    Having dumped Richie Cowboy Haskell from MIT, the group reforms and sings *I Only Have Eyes for You*.  Poor Phillip Phillips has only about one featured lyric and he blows it  but keeps on going so he stays in along with the rest of them.  

The final act is Groove Sauce.  We are reminded that Reed Grimm is not in the group anymore so Reed can get some pimping too. (Reed is the producer's fallback if Colton and HeJun fail to capture the audience).  They do a nice harmonious *Sealed With a Kiss* and Jenn Hirsch is not blonde. They put her through anyway.

Back to Colton land as they announce the remaining cuts. We get close ups of Colton practically as each cut is announced so we know how anxious he is for his sister to make it through.  His sister finally goes home and he emotes about it enough that people will maybe forget how he stole her glory this season.  Cowboy Richie Haskell is still in but so is Germaine.  They dump Angie Ziederman.  Randy is probably still upset at her *Broadway* voice and maybe Steven and Jennifer had to sacrifice their vote for her to save one of their other favorites.  Or, Lady Gaga told Nigel she didn't need anymore Gaga wannabees like Nicky Menage so they kept some blonde instead.

And we get a final glimpse of HeJun weeping with joy that he made it through just to make sure they comply with the equal pimp time rule.  

We were spared Shannon Magrone (hereinafter referred to as *Migraine*) tonight but she made it through according to my sources.  How could she not?  She is blonde!