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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Top 24 in 2 Sentences or Less ...

I confess: I have a 4 month old baby, 4 needy animals, and a husband that works 2 jobs. American Idol is DVRed at our house, and watched (hopefully) the next day. So, my blogging will be consistently late. Please accept the above excuses and my apologies.

Because I despise the audition weeks and Hollywood week, I only have a few short thoughts to offer.

The majority of the Top 24 are people that I could care less about. The ones I was attached to were cut, and the majority of the ones who went through have had about 2 seconds of camera time (if that). So, I'm only commenting on the ones that I deem worthy at this point in time.

1. Tim Urban: Forgettable, boring, needs a haircut. (These are the exact same comments I'd make about Golightly. So, it's a wash for me.)

2. Aaron Kelly: Over-plucked, over-gelled, over-jewelryed, and obnoxious. If you can't remember the lyrics (over and over again), you deserve to go home. He's chosen only to appease the 13 year old girls. I hate him.

3. Tyler Grady: He looks like my brother, so I like him instantly. Plus, I dig his 70's style - it's unique, fun, quirky, and I think he's fun to watch.

4. Michael Lynch: I really like him (even though I still contend the voice doesn't match the package), but I'm disturbed by the favoritism played by AI already. I'd hate to see his dreams crushed because of his stupid Dad, but rules are rules (unless you're AI's pick-of-the-season, apparently).

5. Toddrick Hall: I don't even remember seeing anything about his connections to Fantasia until this very last episode. And I like him.

6. Didi Benami: I, like Tee, am already sick of the dead friend card that's being thrown around. And I 2nd the Brooke-out moment prediction. She won't make it more than 4 weeks.

7. Haeley Vaughnn: I hate, hate, hate this girl. She's not good, she's not cute. In fact, she's downright obnoxious. I predict lots of wrong song choices, pitchy vocals, forgotten lyrics, and mistakes that'll be overlooked by the judges.

8. Katie Stevens: She's okay, I guess. But I'm not as enthralled with her as the judges seem to be.

9: Lilly Scott: Yay, she made it! She's quirky, fun, and different, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from her.

10. Andrew Garcia: My favorite by far! He humbly says: "I like messing with songs", to which I say "I can't wait to watch you get creative!"

Side note: Looks like this season is shaping up to be an interesting commentary between Aunt Tee and KK - Tee's favorite is KK's Archuletta, while KK's favorite is Tee's Gokey. Oh no!!