Seriously? This will be short because I'm totally pissed off.
It's not a dream, is it?
Paige, Katelynn, Lacey and Katie are in the Top 12 and Lily isn't??
Eyebrows Aaron is in the Top 12 and Alex Lambert isn't??
That's really how it went down?
Last night was wrong in about 16,000 ways, and I can't even find the words to express my absolute shock and dismay. You are kidding me.
Okay, I have found a few words.
I admit I might have been wrong about Andrew Garcia. I, like the judges, was blinded by Straight Up. But I'm over it now. And I'm with Tee ... the Rolling Stones were all men, Andrew. What are you going to do next week?
My husband points out that when BM was in the early auditions, he sang Maroon 5 and Jason Mraz. Now he's all Gospel-ed out. Because the judges need a big, black, man to complete their type-casting. I audibly cringed at the stage direction situation last night, too. Watch your head, BM, it's getting bigger than your biceps.
And I think there might be something wrong with me, mentally. I have a pure hatred for Aaron. Not since Pukaletta have I absolutely despised somebody so much. I don't know what it is about over-groomed adolescent boys that brings out the fire in me (it doesn't bode well for my daughter), but I literally want to shove a sock down his throat. I want to shave off his eyebrows while he sleeps. I want to yank that stupid necklace off of his neck. I hate him with the fire of 1,000 suns. (See? I'm mental.)
Finally, remember Anoop? He was "good" enough for the judges to create a Top 13. I don't suppose they could bring back Lily?