I don't think anyone was surprised by tonight's elimination of Kristen O'Connor. I was surprised she made it this far. As I recall, I was surprised she made it to Hollywood. For some reason the judges loved her and didn't see the wooden pageant girl the rest of America saw. But I must say, hers was one of the classiest exits I have seen on this show. She didn't cry, she thanked the world and regrettably her emotional control may have been her downfall in the competition. That and wanting to sing Kelly Clarkson and Adele songs.
For the first time in a long time, I enjoyed the production tonight. The group song was current, Ryan was relaxed, the judges were funny when they should have been and serious when they should have been and didn't showboat at each other's expense, and the Dawg was marginally tolerable. We were also spared the Ford Video. I look back at last season when Ryan seemed in a perpetual bad mood and you know he has to be relieved at this year's dynamics. And I am so relieved that Keith survived last year's debacle. I am pretty much besotted with him along with every other woman in the free world (and maybe even Pussy Riot in Russia is too).
I found the *behind the scenes* look at the contestants a little forced. It did, however, confirm my opinion of Emily Piriz as the new Angie Miller. Everyone is having a nice time and then in her passive/aggressive way she says *oh we all get along so well I cannot believe someone is going home*. Way to pull everyone down with your fake concern Emily. Ugh.
As for the talent...at least last year gave us Candice Glover. I don't know why her album took so long to release but I hope it does well. I about cried when she sang Cried. I think its a great idea for the judges to promote new artists by giving them a showcase on Idol and Keith seemed very proud of Luke Bugg. I think I could acquire a taste for him as well. I worry about the dark circles under Mr. Bugg's eyes and hope they don't indicate a drug problem.
As for the two others in the bottom 3, I think Malaya's turn on the stool was justified. Girl just has to calm the heck down. They should give her a ballad next week and nail her feet to the floor. The only explanation I will accept for MK being in the bottom 3 is that a lot of people, like me, hated the song she sang and so didn't feel inspired to vote for her. If she does a good song next week (ballad..ballad...ballad) I think she will get voters back. I would have put Dexter on the stool instead of her. I have to say that CJ probably dodged a bullet this week too.
So, here is a toast to the classy Kristen...one of the few people in celebrity land whose name begins with a K who know the meaning of the word.
I do have to mention that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are remodeling their house in Bel Aire and have ordered gold plated toilets. Just thought you would like to know.