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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Big Mike

Well, we may disagree about Tim, Casey, and Brooke White...but your bloggers both have the Grandma Goldie *s...t detector* gene that tells us when someone is a phony baloney and BM surely is. I will probably vomit at his *inspirational piece*. Monica will choose to leave the room when he sings. I'm still thinking of that big guy that got cut in Hollywood week who was just as good as BM and thinking...why didn't they put him through instead! I'm sick of BM and his weeping wife.

Predictable, apparently

Last night I would have been okay with several of the contestants going home (BM, Eyebrows, Andrew, Katie, Siobhan), and I'm not shocked or saddened by the loss of Katie and Andrew.

Moving on ...

I have a confession: I was driving home from work a few days ago, and jamming out to a song. It was really good. I was thinking "I wish I had that Shazam app on my iPhone so I knew who this was". I actually sat in my driveway for a minute waiting for it to be over and hoping the DJ would tell me who it was. He did. Adam Lambert? Crap.

While last night's version of What Do You Want From Me was much more theatrical than the radio version (shock!), I like it. Damn it. I like Adam Lambert.

Brooke White and Ponytail Guy (who is that?), on the other hand, I fast-forwarded through. Because I was falling asleep. It's free on iTunes though, so maybe if I have trouble sleeping tonight I'll go download it.

Let me make some observations about Big Mike. Who is very close to bumping Eyebrows from the KK's arch-nemesis spot.

1. Dude, we get that you're huge. Must you also stand with you legs completely wide open? Do you really need to take up as much of the stage as Katie and Tim combined?

2. Once you found out you weren't even in the bottom three, you could have at least pretended to be gracious. Weren't you an actor or something? Or do you care if you look like a total ass hole?

3. Your camera hogging is no longer coincidental. It's completely obvious that you don't even like Andrew or Katie, but were just taking the opportunity to stick your big, arrogant mug in the shot again.

4. You were voted off last week. America is sick of you, and it's coming again, no matter how much the producers show clips of your sobbing wife.