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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Where Did the Love Go?

Last night, the judges could  neither see nor hear a wrong note, a schmaltzy performance, a tired arrangement or anything remotely not fabulous about the boys.  Wake up call.  America voted.  And if dialidol.com is accurate, Nigel ripped the judges new ones today for not giving the audience more *direction* in their comments. The voters did NOT cooperate with their plans and there will be some surprises on Thursday.  So, the ladies take the brunt of the judge's dereliction of duty last night and almost none escaped the judges without at least a tiny criticism.

First up is Chelsea, one of the THREE country gals in the top 12( the producers have Lauren Alaina holdover even though she was not country when it was not cool).  Chelsea is pretty, wore a top that pushed her boobs up and did an ok job with a Carrie Underwood song (Cowboy Casanova) that was not really designed to strike much of a chord in anyone who is not a fervent Carrie Underwood or country fan.  My prediciton is  Chelsea won't see Friday morning in Idol land.

Erika Van Pelt, for whom I had high hopes, sings *What About Love*.  Its a decent enough job but not a *moment*.  I think it is Randy who says she has an Adele vibe. I don't know if she will survive the vote.  I hope she does. 

Speaking of Adele, why didn't they just give each girl a song from the Adele CD because clearly the judges and Nigel are obsessed with Adele (or at least her record sales).  I'm late to Adele love and she deserves all the accolades and record sales and fame but if I want to hear Adele I will play Adele and not someone Idol has packaged to be an Adele copycat.  We have had three Adele songs in two nights and that is enough copying Adele.

Jenn Hirsch sings Adele's One and Only.  She has a good mix between power notes and restrained singing and I like her but she is not very showy and I'm not sure America will like her.  She SHOULD be in the top six girls and I hope she is.

Next up is Snookie Brielle.  And her mother.

Brielle is a cheerleader too!  I wonder how many girls mama had to intimidate to make that happen?  

Brielle starts off too low and enunciates drunkenly.  Then she gets up and tries to bluesy it up.  She got way too much praise for this mess.  I hope she is gone after tomorrow night.

One of my early favorites, Hallie Day, is up next singing *Feeling Good*.  I really wish she had done a different song because all I could think of was the Jennifer Hudson Weight Watchers Commercial and how I need to sign up for Weight Watchers.  I think she did a very good job with it and hope she stays but she may not attract a following as despite her amazing good looks, she is rather low key.  Randy pulls the same crap on her he did on Haley last year asking her *What Kind of Artist Are You Going To Be?*  I really wish she had said *NOT Adele*. 

Skylar Laine is the second of the country gals and she is the real deal.  I loved her manic jumping around on the stage!  I think she is going to get the country vote over Chelsea and Baylie.  She is really authentic...love her or hate her.

Poor Baylie Brown.  What is she doing there?  She was another one who *came back* after being cut in Hollywood several years back after a disastrous group round with Antonella Barber and her sidekick mean Jersey girl.  I think the country folk are going to vote for Skylar or Chelsea and Baylie had her last performance.

I love Holly Cavanaugh but Randy was right..that song was awfully big for her.  I hope she makes it.

Haley Johnson sings Sweet Dreams and I didn't think it was as bad as Randy thought it was although it doesn't have a lot of range to it.  She tried to add some range to it and that is where she got into trouble.  It sounded worse to me when it was replayed at the end.  She is just one blonde too many and I think she is going home.

Shannon Magraine, whose father is a former pro baseball pitcher who pitched in a World Series awhile ago, comes out in her virginal white pageant dress as if she is a finalist for Junior Miss Palm Beach (or wherever the mansion she lives in is located).  There was no doubt in my mind  she was going to sing some *We Are The World* big old ballad and she did.  Shannon thought it was a risky song choice.  Yeah, about as risky as Kristy Lee Cook singing *God Bless the USA*.  If she progresses she will sing only ballads and only feel good ones.  Randy thinks her vibrato is just marvelous.  A few weeks ago, he said he hated vibrato when  Angie Ziederman had one but now that some waspy blonde has one, vibrato is a good thing.  Randy doesn't like quirky...it makes him wonder *what kind of artist* you are.  He probably would have cut Adele in Hollywood because he  couldn't figure out what kind of artist she was.  Maybe, Randy, you just don't know s*!& from shinola when it comes to women singers.  Shannon will probably make it through but I won't be happy about it.

Jessica Sanchez had voice problems all week so we are told by her not to expect much.  Then she blows it out of the auditorium.  I didn't like her song choice but she can sing and at least she doesn't come out wearing a pageant gown.  I think she will make it through.  If not, she will be a wild card.  Randy mentions vibrato again. 

Finally, Elise Testone.  I'm sorry I said she was manly and looked rough.  She is not manly but she does look a little rough (or as we used to say *earthy*).  Did she sing the same Adele song as Jenn Hirsch?  I like her and hope she stays but really...if they are going to repeat Adele songs why didn't one of them sing *Set  Fire to The Rain* so we could at least hear it (as the only thing I heard when Eben supposedly sang it was the band).

Maybe its just me but I think the girls overall were far superior to the guys.  That doesn't mean a girl will win.  

And, a bit of gossip which may or may not be true.  The contestants didn't really pick the songs they sang.  They came up with a list of songs they might like to sing but the Producers told them which song they had to sing.  

So, tomorrow we see what is up.  I will give you a hint based on the Dialidol results for the men. I think we will be disappointed in the ones voted in, if Dialidol is accurate and therefore at least 2 of the wild cards will be men.  Let me just say this...Nigel isn't going to be pulling any *surprises* for awhile. 

Cut it already, I'm over you.

Well, the judges thought everyone was pooping rainbows and unicorns.  But for the rest of America it was, for the most part, a brutal 2 hours.  I'm ready for most of these yahoos to take off.

Reed Grim - Takes my 2 year old's favorite song and turns it into something that sounds like it belongs in a porno movie - bow chicka bowwow.  Ever seen the horror movie Monkey Shines?  Does he not look just like a cymbal playing monkey on those tiny drums?!  No, no, no Randy.  He is NO Casey!!

Gokey 2.0 - Pulls out the "large black woman"/"white chocolate" self-promotional-label and then sings Aretha.  I actually don't mind an emotional man (I like to see a "good heart"), but even I can't get over his sobbing. 

DeAndre Brackensick - Bad singer, Good hair.  A picture is worth 1,000 words:

Colton Dickson - Certainly didn't "shock" anyone used to seeing him at a piano, and it was FAR from "risky", but it was a breath of fresh air after the 1st 3 guys.  Keep it up and I might be able to overlook the fact that he's living his sister's dream.  

Jeremy Rosato - I hate to send him back to the infectious disease center so soon, but he's not gonna last.  It wasn't terrible, I guess.  

Aaron Marcellus - I couldn't get past the silver astronaut jacket.  

Chase Likens - Even the judges (who are praising EVERYONE) had a hard time complimenting him on his vocals.  They talked more about his looks, because, you know, this competition is about "showing America who you are"?!?

Creighton Fraker - What a weirdo, right?  Never in a million years would you think he'd be my favorite of the night!  And the judges seemed a bit shocked that he was, huh, pretty stinkin' incredible!

Phillip Phillips - I rolled my eyes once or twice when it started, but I think I might have been captivated by the end, and I think I might like him.

Eban Frankewitz - There are 2 women I'd leave my husband for.  Adele is one of them.  How dare you, Eban, how dare you.  You have earned a spot on my list:

Heejun Han - I think I'm the only person in America who thinks he's more annoying than funny.  But damn it, he pretty much killed Angels.  Fantastic!  (Did J-Lo say, "you can blow"?)  How did the judges give HIM, of all the shitty guys tonight, mediocre comments?    

Mantasia - How does he have a nickname when this is the 1st we've seen of him?  Mr.KK thinks he'll be another Jacob, but we still liked him ... for now.  If he starts to dance like Jacob, I'm out.

"Gentle Giant Jermaine" - The nickname really rubs me the wrong way.  But it doesn't matter because I don't think he'll be around much longer (even though his song was sweet and his mama hug was sweeter.) 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Who's In With the In Crowd? Jermaine Jones!

The judges were on happy juice tonight as, according to them, there was not ONE bad performance by the top 13 men.  (I told you Jermaine was coming back!).  The vintner left the happy juice out of my merlot because I beg to seriously differ with the judges on the merits of some of the performances tonight.  

I tried to pre-guess who was going first, middle, and last.  At one time Nigel  Lythgoe said when planning the show,  they try to put the best ones up front and on the back (but you notice the very best are always on the back end).  After the fourth performance, I had it figured out for this group.  They were putting the  *fodder* (those they really aren't interested in and hope don't attract much attention) in the middle and putting their favorites in the first four and final four slots.  And leaving Jermaine hanging in the wind.  I'm not sure the performances worked out exactly as the producers planned.  

First up was Reed Grimm,  dubbed by the judges as this years *Casey* because he plays an instrument which is not a guitar or a piano.  He does a song I do not know (even though Jennifer says *everyone knows* the song) in a jazzy style which may or may not be an innovative arrangement of the song but was certainly not an innovative performance for  Reed.  He told us in the pre-tape he was  going to *work us into a frenzy* and with a song called *With Moves Like Jagger*, I expected a little more than the Carnival Cruise Line/Second rate Vegas casino act it turned out to be.  Despite the judges saying it was wonderful,  I'm predicting Reed will need a wild card save by the judges to get in the top 13.

Adam *White Chocolate* Brock  quits crying for a few minutes and revives the *large black woman inside of him* by singing Aretha's *Think*.  There is just something sad about a white man trying to act black and American should be crying now.  He growly growls the song, Gokey style, and I'm so not enthralled that my mind wanders and  I notice he has what appears to be a handkerchief hanging from his butt which I presume is there in case he breaks into tears again.  Turns out it is a Pittsburgh Steelers towel which I decide he added to convince any man watching that he is really not a girly man.  The demographic who is likely to vote for him is a demographic Auntee belongs in and I'm not buying him. But I'm pretty discriminating. 

The next guy, who is a high school boy and seems to be genuinely nice, is Diandre.  For the life of me, I do not know who is going to love this all falsetto performance but the judges act like he is Pavoratti.  I wrote down he sang Earth Wind and Fire's Reasons and it might be a good song but I was tending to a howling cat so didn't catch the judge's mood.  I thought for a moment that his long lustrous much tossed about hair might catch the pink cell phone crowd but that demographic is going to be divided up so I'm guessing, absent a wildcard, he will not make the cut and I won't miss him one bit.  

Just when I was bemoaning all those pink cell phones pre-programming Diandre's number, the Mighty Colton appears with his hair changed from Madame Pompadour with a skunk stripe to Hobbit with a skunk stripe.  Colton, we know you have *interesting* hair you don't need to milk it by giving us your hair care secrets   Once again he mentions his sister hoping we all will forget how he horned in on her audition and trampled over her dreams in Hollywood. He says he is going to do something *different* than play the piano but then he plays the piano for half of the song, then stands up and does James Durbin on a bad night.  I didn't know the song and didn't catch the title but the lyrics of *How Did We Get Here* remind me of exactly how HE got there and it wasn't pretty for his sister.  He will go a long way as he is getting the pink cell phone votes for the season.

So now we are getting into fodder territory and my guy Jeremy Rosado is offered up as the first to take the cannon balls.  Except he is genuinely a nice guy, he sings well,  and JLo and Steven are not with the program and praise his performance of *Gravity*.  I like him a lot even though I don't particularly like his style of singing and hope he manages to hang on but I suspect he is a goner too.  Hispanics don't do well on Idol and he is fat to boot and unless the middle aged women abandon Adam and vote for him, we will never see or hear from him after Thursday night. 

The judges give the first of three or four standing ovations to what I thought was a completely ordinary performance of *Never Can Say Goodbye* by Aaron Marcellus.  I have nothing against him personally, but once again I thought I was in a second tier Vegas lounge.  As with Diandre, I do  not know what the judges are thinking except that they want to mess with Nigel's head by praising the performers Nigel has slated as fodder.  

Chase Likens is not Scotty McCreery and he will be gone Thursday.  If you are going to do country, you better do a tearjerker your first time up so we can fall in love with your sensitive side. 

Creighton Fraker, from Brandon, SD, moved to New York because he was too different for SD.  In other words, he is gay and he is telling us with his song *True Colors* without coming out and saying so since he, like everyone else on the coasts, has the mistaken impression that anyone who doesn't live in California or New York hates gay people and wants to kill them.  . He did a good job, I like him and would like to hear more from him but strongly suspect that I will not.

So we are now moving out of fodder territory to Phillip Phillips.  He doesn't want to be famous he just wants to make good music.  His song choice is not going to win many fans but he will be rescued by the Wild Card if he doesn't manage to get the votes. The judges love him.  He is OK but doesn't chime my clock.   

Little Eben was nervous and no one did a sound check so we could barely hear him sing the Adele song...which was a good choice if he wants to get the pink cell phone vote.  He did go flat or sharp or something in the middle.  I have my doubts he will make it through but maybe the grandmas will vote for him because despite the song, the pink cell phones are dialing Colton's number tonight. 

Who doesn't love HeJun?  I loved his sweet momma dancing.  I love his dead pan humor.  I just don't love his singing so much.  A big let down after all the air time he got leading up to tonight.  I think he will squeak by either by votes for his personality or by wild card but he better up the game on singing.  He was arguably the worst of the night.

The ONLY performance *moment* of the night was the one by Josh LeDet.  I am NOT an R&B fan.  I am not a big voice with lots of melisma fan.  But this guy, to me, is the real deal.  In addition, he is so far pretty modest (he said in Hollywood that he almost didn't get on the plane because he was sure he would fail).  I got a little teary eyed when he sang *You Pulled Me  Through* and it really wasn't because of the sappy lyrics.  His voice just touched me.  I just hope he restrains himself and doesn't sing *This Woman's Work*. 

I am pleased that I predicted that Jermaine would be the surprise contestant.  I think they should have let the cat out of the bag earlier and let him perform somewhere in the middle because how could he follow Josh LeDet?  He did a noble try, however, and I'm sorry, I'm just a sucker for big tall guys with deep voices who sing about their mamas and daddys so I cried when he sang too. 

My predictions:   Top 5 by votes will be Colton, Adam Brock, Josh Le Det and 2 others of either HeJun, Diandre, Eben or Phillip Phillips.  Phillip will be a wild card, He Jun will be a wild card, and Reed will be a wild card.  Eben,  Creighton, Jeremy Rosado and Jermaine may sneak through as wild cards. 



Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cry-i-i-ing Over Me

Last night, we were left on the edge of our couches, as Adam Brock sobbed.  Ryan ominously warned us of a *shocking elimination* and a *twist* just so some gullible viewers can worry about Adam overnight.   We resume tonight's show with Adam still sobbing, although he now has a white handkerchief he is waving around which I failed to notice last night.  Adam knows God put him on earth to sing, Randy agrees, and Steven loves to see a man cry so Adam obliges with a fresh load of tears.   I don't love to see a man cry...especially if its over himself and his dream while his wife is home changing diapers and wondering how to pay the electric bill this month if her husband's dream fails.  In fact, the only tears I want to see out of Mr. Auntee are as I look down from above at my funeral.  As he didn't cry when I walked down the aisle, I suspect he won't cry as I walk into the light.  Men should cry only at weddings, births, or deaths.  Anything else is just lame and deserves a bitch  slap back to reality.   So...no surprise... Adam Brock is in the top 24.  I know I said I shouldn't compare him to Danny Gokey just because he looks and sings like Gokey.  But man...he had all the Gokey bases covered in his 5 minutes of fame last night and tonight.  Family man missing his family (check); God (check); tears (check).  Auntee wanting to throw up (check). 

The next contestant couldn't come up quick enough for me and I was happy to see Jeremy Rosato, the guy who washes his hands alot and seems a cheerful soul. JLo points out that he is a nice guy too and while I'm not particularly a fan of his singing style, I am a fan of his pudgy sweet self. 

After Jeremy, I was forced to watch Shannon Migraine Magrone.  This girl is my nemises just as Lauren Alaina was last year.  She is going to be in the top 5 at least and I will be gnashing my teeth the whole time.  And she will be better dressed and thinner than Alaina.  I stand corrected.  I reported she sang *Georgia On My Mind* as her solo last week.  It was *Its a Wonderful World*.  How sweet and innocent of her.  

Then they bring on a *who is that* contestant called Scott Dangerfield, show him auditioning last year as a nerd and show him this year with a cool haircut and contacts.  His makeover didn't help and he is gone.  Since I didn't know he was ever there, I won't miss him.

Last night they put through 2 pretty girl country singers, Chelsea and Baylie.  So, Skylar who is not so pretty has reason to be worried.  But she makes it through.  My guess is she is slated as fodder while they pimp the other two.   

Speaking of fodder, when they don't show you singing a solo, don't feature you in a group, and don't feature your golden moment of being named to the top 24, you better realize that Idol just isn't that into you.  Unless Hallie Day, Chase Likens, and Aaron Marcellus do something to make the audience at home love them they are not going to last long as clearly, Nigel Lythgoe doesn't love them very much.  

Diandre is another retread from last season.  He is the one who channels Tiny Tim in voice and hair and for some reason the judges think that is just wonderful.  He sings *This Woman's Work*.  I hate that song.  I hate Diandre's falsetto.  JLo said they *would be crazy* not to put him in the top 24.  Newsflash judges, you got that backwards.

And now I'm completely conflicted as Jermaine is sobbing ala Adam Brock.  I like Jermaine, I like his voice, I like his mama but I don't like him losing it on national TV.  And of course we have been told there is a shock coming up and we haven't been shocked yet so it is no surprise when they tell him no dice this year.  I will trade Jermaine for Adam Brock and Phil Phillips and Diandre but it is not to be.  The judges are crying about this decision too which suggests that Nigel Lythgoe forced it on them so one of his favorites could get in.  Boo!  

So..was this the show shocker?  No...Ryan is still promising shocking *news* which has *everyone talking*.  I'm thinking did they film this the night that Whitney Houston dies and are they going to show the Idol family's grief? 

The penultimate dramas are played out as Hollie (fodder) beats out Ariel and Shelby.  We haven't seen much of any of them so I'm not really invested in this decision. Then David Leathers who evidently did Michael Jackson all week is up with Eben.  David is really rather ordinary next to Eben who can pull those emotional heartstrings a lot harder.  So Eben is in, David is out.

Then they show all the top 24 doing stupid dance moves and Ryan says good night. I'm thinking *where's the Whitney Houston tribute?* when Ryan tells us there will be 13 men so we will have a top 25 and shows us mugshots of four who were sent home.  Germaine is one of them but so is Black Hat and No Cattle Richie Law along with David Leathers and someone else I don't care about.  I'm thinking Germaine's tears worked and he is coming back. 

As an end note we get a glimpse of Steven's man boobs as he moons us and jumps into the pool.

Next week we can finally vote.  Yay!   


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Walk This Way He Jun Don't Be Afraid

I have a confession to make.  I fell asleep (sitting up no less) during House Hunters and didn't wake up until 7:24 pm. I had hoped that we would see a lot of singing tonight as the top 40 sang their last song before the last cut, but as I finally managed to change the channel, I see that they are already doing the *walks*.  For sixteen of these kids, their brief moment of fame is over and they are going home to whatever they were trying to get away from when they auditioned.   They can take comfort in the fact that in a month, no one will remember the names of the bottom 12  of the top 24  and in six months, no one will remember the names of most of the top 12 (and much of America won't even know who won the whole deal).

So, that said, I see from another blog that of the first three up, the only one I remember is Jenn Hirsch.  Unfortunately, the blog was too busy being smart-alecky about her looking like Katharine McPhee (who was forgotten until she started appearing on the show *Smash* a few weeks ago) to tell the reader whether she made it through or not.  I'm thinking not because a) she is not a screamer; b)she is not blonde and needs a serious makeover to meet Idol standards; and c) my earlier sources say she did not.  Too bad, because she was the only one who I found engaging.

The next two who did not make it through, Lauren and some guy.  I don't remember either of them except I think Lauren was one of the ubiqitous blondes.

The first one I see is Josh LeDet. I like Josh LeDet but he may soon make me tired.  I always start out really liking some R&B gospel guy and then he ends up over-emoting and over-selling himself in the performances and I get sick of them.

Two more *who are these people* types are sent home.  Why bother even telling us about them at this point?    

Next up is Haley Johnson (blonde) who also has big breasts. They show her singing a few bars in the Vegas group round with Reed Grimm (I think they mention Reed's name here too so we remember he is a contender) but other than that we are left knowing only that she is blonde and has big breasts.  I'm not going to hold her hair color and breasts against her but she better sing well or she is going into the BBBimbo slot.

Next up are Neco Starr who has a catchy name and River St. James who has a stupid name.  They are both R&B singers but Josh LeDet has that genre covered so I don't even have to watch to know they are going home.

Then we see some poor *who is this guy* contestant fail at his final song in a very embarassing way.  That was actually pretty sad...they could at least have told him he could or could not start over.  

Elise Testone walks in next and we see a clip of her singing *Its A Man's World*.  And maybe it is something about her last name which calls to mind testosterone, which makes me think she is rather manly herself.  She also looks a little *rode hard and hung up wet*.  But, I am not opposed to her alto bluesy voice as long as she doesn't overdo it. 

Ah, finally!  Here is Reed Grimm and the show gets to pimp him (he is slated, I believe, to be number 2 or 3 but not the winner).  They show a replay of his triumphant drum version of Georgia and then show him scatting the final Vegas song.  Does he do more than scat?  Scatting is great...but Reed is making me hate it.  He's trying to out-Casey Casey and we've already seen that show.  

Erika Van Pelt comes up next.  She is not quite blonde and has a big old voice.  They panned her last performance and I'm not sure why.  She also needs a makeover to meet Idol standards and for that reason, I'm not sure Nigel is going to allow the judges to like her enough for her to make it very far.  I am looking forward to hearing her perform.  I think I might like her.

Then the country sweethearts, Chelsea someone (who has brown hair...how did this happen...I bet it gets progressively lighter as the show goes on) and Baylie Brown (who is blonde).  They are pretty but entirely interchangeable country singers and I suppose which one goes the furthest is going to depend on which one gets pimped most by the judges in the early days.

And then..the moment I have been waiting for:  Richie All Hat and No Cattle Law swaggers in.  We are reminded that he has had some personality conflicts with HeJun and Germaine and that he didn't come here to recycle music...he came here to MAKE music.  We see a clip of uninspired performance of *Ring of Fire*.  He cannot even make one of the best country songs ever written for a low voice sound interesting.  He sucks up to the judges saying *how much he has learned* and *how much more he wants to learn* but they aren't having it and he and that stupid black hat go home.  

Ah, here comes HeJun, our comedian.  He is sweating water and wants to hug JLo when he is told no because that is every Asian man's dream.  For the first time (I think) we learn that he actually has something worthwhile to go home to as he teaches special needs kids.  Of course he goes through...they would not have wasted the solid one hour of tape on him in the prior episodes if he wasn't going to make it to the top 24. 

The next contestant, Jessica Sanchez, is not someone I find appealing.  I find it even less appealing that her family of 45 is depending on her to support them for the rest of their lives.  She is a Diva Wannabee and the sooner she is sent packing the better for me.  It appears she will have quite a bit of competition in that genre so she better start working on her personality.  

Phillip Phillips walks in next.  I'm sorry but I don't get the Phillip Phillips Love.  He is a  white guy with a guitar who is moderately good looking.  But he keeps forgetting the words and is voice is nothing special.  He jumps around a bit with the guitar which Randy thinks is *quirky*.  I think its dumb. Inexplicably, he goes through.

For the next 5 minutes, its the Colton show.  We are reminded of the bond he has with his sister Schuyler, we are reminded that he tried out last year and didn't make it. We see scenes of his last minute audition and his stupid hairstyle which he has changed to another stupid hairstyle to be more hip.  We see scenes of him being upset when Schuyler is sent home in Vegas.  And then, as if he hadn't already stepped all over her moment in the sun to get to the top 40, we see him using the fact that he stomped on her dreams as *inspiration* for his final entirely over the top emotive performance of *Fix You*.   I'm pretty sure Schuyler would like to fix him and not in a good way.

Then its the Jersey Shore/Real Housewives of New Jersey duo:  Brielle, who looks and acts like Snookie; and her mother Camille, who looks and acts like Caroline Manzo. We have seen these acts before and it makes us sick.  Go away Jersey girls.  Brielle low sings with no enunciation while Camille worries about her self-tanning lotion and tries to hog the camera.  My only solace about Brielle going through is that surely I am not the only one who finds her unlikeable and that she will go home quickly.

And finally, the cliff hanger.  Will Adam Gokey Brock make the top 24?  He is sobbing about all he wants to do is sing, sobbing about his daughter Whitney, sobbing about his wife and friend and lover Sarah, sobbing sobbing sobbing.  We see him do a final performance which Simon would call *self-indulgent*. I tell myself, he is NOT Danny Gokey.  I tell myself it is NOT his fault that he acts like Danny Gokey.  But I cannot get over it and will never be rooting for him.  Although, if he doesn't make the top 24, I am compassionate enough to hope they have a psychiatrist on hand along with some strong meds to get him on the plane home because I think he might actually chain himself to a slot machine to avoid leaving.

Tomorrow is the final show before we can FINALLY start hearing some music!  You may have noticed that we have added some photos to the blog  (including one of us when we were both having a bad hair day) and will add more as time goes on.  If you like the blog, tell your friends and family about us!  And once again, we welcome comments and hope you sign up as followers if you haven't already!  




Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Love You Peggi Blu

If you haven't realized that the Producers are pimping Colton Dickson and HeJun for the win yet, you haven't been watching the show.  Two hours of programming,  and between the two of them I think they were featured for eight minutes or more.  In between the Colton and Hejun stroking, we saw some decent performances of songs I love.

In keeping with the Colton/HeJun theme, the show starts with Colton's group singing (I think) *Dedicated to the One I Love*.  Little Skylar, the country girl who shoots animals in her spare time, comes through on the harmony despite the tension leading up to the performance.  They send Carrie, one of the blondes who I cannot tell from the other blondes, home.  Colton's other backup singers made it through.

Adam Gokey Brock is in a group of all women...I wonder if the men know he is a puke and walked far away from him as the groups were formed.  The group does a decent rendition of Great Balls of Fire with Adam doing his screamy growl as he bounces up and down on the piano bench.  The only interesting one of that group to me is Angie Ziederman.  As we learn later, she is cut in order to keep some mediocre blondes (and that brat Brielle with the insufferable mother) in. 

The next group is featured because its another way to bring Colton to our attention.  His sister, Schuyler, who he muscled out for glory in the auditions, miraculously is still in the competition although we haven't seen or heard her since she was standing in the corner watching the judges make over Colton and ignore her on audition day. I assumed she was gone by now.  This is not a really strong group (were they all blonde?) and she is the only one of the three who I recognized and remember now. I didn't really get the WWII outfits since they were at least a decade off in time and had nothing to do with the song *Why Do Fools Fall in Love*. 

Reed Grimm (who is playing 3rd fiddle to Colton and HeJun tonight) and his group are great singing *The Night Has A Thousand Eyes*.  I like little Eben, and Haley and Elise seem like nice women. I liked that they gave Eben kiss marks on his cheeks. 

Next up is Richie the Cowboy or as we are learning each episode, the Eddie Haskell of the season.  He is too good for everyone (he thinks) and doesn't take a clue when his former group (and everyone else) run from him in the group forming session as if he soiled himself.  Poor Germaine is stuck with Richie's hat and no cattle.  After Richie disses Germaine because he cannot harmonize the two manage to pull out a decent performance.  I love Germaine's voice.  I love Germaine The judges are fooled by Richie Eddie Haskell and think he is a nice guy when Germaine is really the nice one.  But if Richie makes it to the top 24, America has seen his smarmy two-faced arrogant self and will not vote for him.  He is NOT the next Scotty McCreary. [Update:  I read on another blog that he punched a girl in the face on the bus.  I missed that!  Someone enlighten me!]

We learn that at least two more blondes are safe.  Praise the Lord.

The first day ends with a performance that I thought was a complete mess but the judges loved.  In particular, I thought Diandre with the curly hair and falsetto voice was channeling Tiny Tim (is he dead yet?).  He throws his hair around for effect...I will get sick of that hair action pretty quick if he lingers on.

The first act of day 2 is 4 guys singing Jailhouse Rock.  I wasn't impressed but all but one make it through for now.  I really couldn't tell them apart and no one stood out for me in this group.

And pride does goeth before a fall.  The second group, doing the Supremes doesn't think it needs to rehearse with the band or get help from a vocal coach because the members are *all professionals* and know what they are doing.  They do a bad karaoke version of *You Keep Me Hanging On* and do not understand why they didn't get a standing O. Jessica, who was the sobber with the boyfriend recovering from a stroke, shows her true nature when she sour grapes it off the show saying *I am an artist* and complaining that others who are not *artists* made it through and *American Idol doesn't want artists*.  Now maybe Idol isn't looking for real *artists* but honey, you knew all about Idol when you signed up and you just know the day before you thought the best thing in the world would be you standing under the confetti.  Goodbye sore loser.

Finally, the real star of the show, Peggi Blu is featured as she yells at poor Lauren (another blonde).  *There's no cryin' in music.*  Lauren and the other gal, Wendy Taylor (was she blonde too?) handle *Will You Love Me Tomorrow?* just fine but poor Mathenny flounders and goes home.  Peggi Blu is awesome and needs her own reality show where she does vocal coaching for kids with stage parents and puts the bratty kids (like Brielle) and the bratty moms (like Breille's stage mom) in their place when they get out of line. 

And now, the 2nd star of the show, HeJun faces Peggi Blu and they have a big love fest because don't you know HeJun is just perfecto and Peggi Blu loves him. I'm a little worried about Peggi Blu's integrity now but I'm hoping they cut the parts where she disembowels HeJun and just kept the part where they hugged and made up.    Having dumped Richie Cowboy Haskell from MIT, the group reforms and sings *I Only Have Eyes for You*.  Poor Phillip Phillips has only about one featured lyric and he blows it  but keeps on going so he stays in along with the rest of them.  

The final act is Groove Sauce.  We are reminded that Reed Grimm is not in the group anymore so Reed can get some pimping too. (Reed is the producer's fallback if Colton and HeJun fail to capture the audience).  They do a nice harmonious *Sealed With a Kiss* and Jenn Hirsch is not blonde. They put her through anyway.

Back to Colton land as they announce the remaining cuts. We get close ups of Colton practically as each cut is announced so we know how anxious he is for his sister to make it through.  His sister finally goes home and he emotes about it enough that people will maybe forget how he stole her glory this season.  Cowboy Richie Haskell is still in but so is Germaine.  They dump Angie Ziederman.  Randy is probably still upset at her *Broadway* voice and maybe Steven and Jennifer had to sacrifice their vote for her to save one of their other favorites.  Or, Lady Gaga told Nigel she didn't need anymore Gaga wannabees like Nicky Menage so they kept some blonde instead.

And we get a final glimpse of HeJun weeping with joy that he made it through just to make sure they comply with the equal pimp time rule.  

We were spared Shannon Magrone (hereinafter referred to as *Migraine*) tonight but she made it through according to my sources.  How could she not?  She is blonde!  



Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Reed Grimm and Mamma on His Mind

I cannot decide if Reed Grimm is quixotically talented or merely annoying.  He certainly appeared ADHD tonight.  Robbed of his chance to sing acapella (based on his earlier choices...would it be the Oscar Mayer Wiener song?) he manically put together a good performance of Georgia on My Mind while driving the vocal coach and the music guy insane with his total lack of focus during the supposedly 25 minutes he had to change course   Calling his mama gave him inspiration to play drums (or they cut out the part where she asked him if he was taking his meds and his dose of ritalin) and he is going to Vegas.  Randy, in a side bar to Jen, compared him to Casey.  We will see.  

But before the mama drama with Reid, we had to watch the painful results of the group collaborations.  People were still vomiting and fainting.  

First up was the Bettys and we all knew this was going to be bad.  Staying up all night was not the key to success in this group as the 2 who went through were 2 of those who I believe went to bed.  One blamed the lack of teamwork on them all being *Type A* personalities.  One didn't know what that meant.  I'm blaming it on them being type Diva Wanna-Bees.  They didn't get the Diva part but one of more of them appeared to have the B part down pat. 

Then we have Group Sauce which has Reed Grimm and Creighton.  They do great.  

Up next is Brielle and her mother (also known as Group 6-7-9).  Mother gets her way and Kyle the frat boy is sent home. Mama loves Kyle now that her brat of a daughter made it through.  I thought Brielle was terrible but its probably because I don't like her or her mother and you will hear this from me repeatedly.

Then *Patient O*, Amy the tent dweller and her sad sack group. Jacquie, who hugged Amy the night before gets sick.  They are terrible and all go home.  

Alisha the uber cop and her group are up next and they are terrible too.  No surprise.  Just curious, did any group sing *Joy to the World?*.  

The Hollywood 5 is a group of young kids, their stage parents, and the OCD guy who works with infectious diseases and washes his hands all the time .  OCD worked for this group as no one is sick and they all go through.  (So there all of you who think I wash my hands too much...and you know who you are). 

Then we are subjected to *will she or won't she* drama with Area 451.  Imani is fainting away but goes on and faints on stage.  One of them goes through but I don't know why.  

Then, we learn that Simone Black and her father are not going to be famous this year and that Reese (who quit his good paying government job and a pregnant wife to come to Hollywood) are going home.  Karma's a b.

The face off with HeJun (who will soon be known as Dante HeJun ala Lauren Suddeth Alaina) and Cowboy Richie.  I thought the whole group was awful but evidently either HeJun or Richie has compromising pictures of Nygel Lithgoe because they all go through.  Richie has to have more face time in the *confessional* to explain why he is so great and HeJun apologizes to him for what he said behind his back.  Ho Hum.  

Then we learn that Erika Van Pelt (who we haven't heard sing AT ALL since her audition I don't think), Adam Gokey Brock, Hallie Day, and Elise Testone (another one we haven't heard much of) make it through.  

So..hour 2 starts and we see who the judge's really love.

First is Josh Ledet who almost didn't get on the plane.  I like him so far. 

Our next contestant is Colton Dixon, who pushed his sister aside along with the auditioning rules, and he does his WGWG (ok little piano) stuff. To remind you WGWG stands for *White Guy With Guitar* ala Lee DeWyze and Chris Allen and David Cook. His hair is changed but looks just as stupid as his old hair cut.  What happened to his sister?  She went home and is still trying to recover from the bruises he left on her back as he stomped his way over it to fame and fortune.  

Another WGWG, Phil Phillips.  The most exciting thing about him is his name and its lame. 

Jenn Hirsch is the first we see sing *Georgia on My Mind*.   She is really excellent but as mentioned earlier, needs a makeover badly if she is going on to the big time.  She could be very attractive but evidently no one on Idol staff wants to spruce her up like they did with Colton.  

Creighton comes on and I'm thinking he is probably going to be fodder.  

Then, the girl I really don't like, Shannon Magrane who gave me a pain as she screamed Georgia On My Mind  in her hot pants so Steven and Randy could be sure and see her long long legs.  Diva Wanna Bee indeed who will be thronged by the Diva Drones as I gnash my teeth weekly.  

Reed Grimm's drama, recited above and enough said about him.

Skylar Laine is sick but sings (I thought she was way sharp all the way through) and makes it through. It was a cute song but I didn't think it was *the best all day* like Steven did.  But maybe he was sick of WGWG's and she was refreshing.

Poor Rochelle Lamb gets out of sync or thinks she does with the music and it is her kiss of death.  She knows it too.  

And then *White Chocolate* Danny Adam Brock.  I thought he almost vomited the song with all his growling and caterwauling.  I'm thinking Randy isn't all that impressed with the *big fat black woman* inside of Adam but he makes it through.

A little bit of drama in Room 3 when some woman we don't know complains that people are laughing and being *insensitive* to her pain.  Honey, if you want *sensitive* go to a commune, bake bread, and plant weed.  Don't try to make it in show business.

So tomorrow is Vegas and we will see who the top 24 are.  

So far, I don't have any favorites really but I do have those I'm not fond of. 

Update:  In reading other blogs today, I realize that the Migraine sang *Its A Wonderful World* and maybe Adam Gokey Brock did too. I guess it all sounded like the same screaming melisma to me.  When this was filmed Whitney Houston hadn't died yet but a whole bunch of these kids were channeling her ghost ahead of time and not very well either. 


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Diana Ross...Its All About MEEEE!

I was never a huge Whitney Houston fan.  I appreciated her talent and enjoyed her in the movie The Preacher's Wife but her style of singing has never been my favorite. As anyone who has read this blog knows, Mariah and Celine leave me cold and their diva wanna bee imitators leave me colder.  I will always love Dolly's version of *And I Will Always Love You* more than Whitney's version.  But her death is sad for those people who knew her and loved her and for her fans.  What a waste...she hooked up  with Bobby Brown and was addicted to him as much as the drugs and she ruined her talent and what was left of her too  short life.  Her first album came out in 1985.  She married Brown in 1992 the year the Bodyguard was released.  She had seven years of career excellence and twenty years of decline.   

That said,  for the first time in a number of years, I watched the Grammy's tonight to see how they would handle honoring her and they did a good job with ONE HUGE notable exception.  Diana Ross is a cold woman. Not only did she not mention Whitney she acted oblivious to her passing by saying *Aren't we all having FUNNN!*. I cannot remember but I hope she didn't get a standing ovation when she came out.  I read that at Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party on Saturday night, she did the did the same thing... while all the other performers were offering condolences and kind words, she came out and sang her song without a mention of Whitney's loss. 

Jennifer Hudson was amazing.  She didn't try to sing it like Whitney but her performance paid homage to Whitney.  I cannot believe she lost Idol...to whom?  Was it Taylor Hicks? 

I enjoyed the show altogether with the exception of Chris Brown, the dance music segment, and the very talentless Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj is trying to outdo Gaga who has tried to outdo Madonna.  Her song was ridiculous, her red riding hood gown was ridiculous and her date, dressed like the Pope was ridiculous.

I had not heard any of the new songs sung tonight (except for the Idol performer's butchering Rolling in The  Deep) and I was surprised how much I liked them...even Bruno Mars and the Foo Fighters.  Other than Hudson, the highlight of the show for me was Alicia Keyes and Bonnie Raitt honoring Etta James.  Glen Campbell was poignant.  And Taylor Swift was good too.

Adele seems like a nice person. I'm happy for her well-deserved success.

But Diana Ross can go back to her hotel room  and shrivel away.  I've read she has always been a mean person and she has probably turned worse with age.          

Friday, February 10, 2012

TMI x 10,000

What a disgusting hour of TV.  As if group week isn't bad enough, we're now also subjected to vomiting, kidney stones, vomiting into a clear trashbag, diarrhea, vomiting, vomiting, vomiting.  ENOUGH already!

HeJun turns out to be kind of a prick.  Yeah, cowboy was annoying and bossy, but rather than stand around and talk about him behind his back, how about you say, "stop being annoying and bossy."  And learn his name, jerk, he's in your group.  (What happened to the "everyone is better than me" attitude?)

Speaking of annoying and bossy - Simone's father is a douchecanoe of epic proportions.  (1) He all but calls her fat on national TV, reassuring America that he won't let her eat, just drink, (2) He actually HARMS her chances of getting into a decent group because no hopefuls want a girl that comes with a side of Stage Dad, (3) he takes credit for his daughter's talent, assuring America that he's not a stage Dad, but *he* will be famous, (4) he does a group hug, with his daughter's group, but LEAVES OUT his daughter!!  I want to drop kick this guy, and I can NOT watch an entire season of him as puppeteer.  

The cop could not understand why she couldn't find a group.  Um, maybe nobody wants to sing Joy To The World?!  Maybe you should stop being such a bitch?!

I don't remember Brielle, even though she was in a group with Pia *gasp!*.  I normally remember contestants who I hate, especially if they have a stage parent that I hate (Pukealetta anybody?), but even today I couldn't pick Brielle out of a lineup.  

I hope that tomorrow either (1) we actually get to see some SINGING, or (2) the judges all get this flu, too (how funny would that be?)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Don't Wanna Throw Up!

I always get worked up about Group Night because there is usually bullying and injustice going on and it makes me sad for the victims.  But tonight there was no Clint June Bug to push JayCee out of the group thereby igniting the wrath of fans everywhere.  Instead it was all about staying alive! 

Poor Amy the tent girl, who was called *Hipsy* in her auditions.  She is a tough cookie and I think it was very unfair for Ryan to label her Ground Zero for the flu going around.  I have no idea what the group she eventually joined will sound like tomorrow night (if they let us hear it) but at least people were nice to her even if they didn't appear to be the strongest group in the room. Although I really think it was unwise of the woman in the group to say...*don't get me sick* and then rush up and give Amy a big hug. 

Brianna is very picky about the group she joins and rejects several because they don't have the right vocal range or want to sing a song she doesn't like.  I think she is the Brianna who ends up in the Bettys who we will hear first tomorrow.  All indications are the Bettys will be a train wreck as a group but I give her and her one fellow Betty credit for working well together to try to salvage it while the others went to bed.  At least this group seems healthy.

Brielle, who was in Princess Pia's group last year, thinks she knows everything.  She didn't know enough to make the top 24 last year so I think she should get off her high horse.  Her mother is hovering around and seems a bit embarassed by her daughter's high-handedness but then she starts trashing the geeky frat boy who the judges thought had a great voice so whatever good feelings I had towards the mother...went away.

Alisha the cop cannot find a group to save her soul no matter how many loud and bossy public announcements she makes to recruit singers of *Joy To the Word*.  Alisha lacks subtlety to say the least and I really don't blame some of those kids for steering away from her as she comes off as a supreme bossy boss and then keeps saying she's a cop which coupled with her loud bossy ways scares them to death.  The group she finally was allowed to join also has train wreck written all over it with dominatrix Alisha who doesn't get to sing Joy To the World and cannot learn the other song, the two other mousy women, and the poor guy who keeps vomiting. 

Then there is MIT with HeJun and Richie the cowboy Scottie wanna bee...I  think Phillip Phillips the shucker is in that group too.  (Was he the one with the kidney stones who had to take some time out to relieve some pressure on his bowels?  That was really TMI.)  The cowboy wants to go corny with the choreography and sophisticated with the harmony and Hejun  just wants to stand there and flap his arms and sing *How am I supposed to Live Without You* for the third time. I forget what MIT is supposed to stand for but as I recall it was some sort of multi-cultural *we are the world* theme.  I don't think Richie and HeJun, who are engaged in a massive war of  cultures, are setting a very good example for the rest of the group.  Hejun, who was rather likeable last night, loses likeability points but Richie is no charmer either.  A pox on both their houses.

And finally, Simone, who truly was ground zero in the illness epidemic when she fainted off the stage  last night(I thought she walked off of it accidentally).  She was fine, just as I told you she would be, only dehydrated (Daddy was so busy drilling her vocals, he forgot to feed and water her).  She was very smart when she came back  and was obsequious to the group members while her daddy wanted to go all gang-busters to get her in a group.  He claims he is just a supportive father and not a stage father but then he claims he is going to be famous so we know what his agenda is.  And...she said she needed to eat more...and he say...no she needs to drink more water and  I got to thinking she is not fat but she is not a size 0 either and I'm wondering if the guy is dogging her about her weight so now I don't dislike her so much...I just dislike the whole teen protegee/stage father package.

I'm kinda ticked they didn't do 2 two hour shows this week and get this Hollywood stuff over.  I'm even more ticked that the American Idol website is *rebuilding* the fan comments section so I cannot go on and make trouble there.  

Good news about Danny Gokey's friend Jamar.  I hope he does well.  

Obviously, you can see that KK and I are already forming different opinions of the contestants.  I chalk her sympathy for Simone up to her being a good mama.  

Stay healthy!         

Simone Black for the WIN

Poor little Simone Black wrapped up how we all felt about the whole night with one sweeping movement:  

God love her.  She seems so sweet and cute in her interview, and then they show her in a grey room, her father pacing back and forth and hovering over her while critiquing her voice.  The judges ask her why she chose the song she chose (cough*stageDad*cough) and she wobbles and then faints, off the stage.  

I'll comment on the people I remember - 

The 12 17 year old black kid who gets his cheeks pinched hits on girls and thinks he's a ladies man, actually sounds like a lady when he sings.  Puberty is going to screw this kid up in about a million ways.  

The golden ticket guy (Reed Grim?) who "scats" his way through to the next round.  Somehow.  

I actually like the guy with the big black woman in side of him but his "spending time away from my baby girl" sob story won't take him very far.

Jessica who takes care of her boyfriend seems like a really nice girl, and she has a decent voice.  I'm hoping that she doesn't go diva.

And for the rest of the night, I found myself asking, "Have we ever seen this person before?"

As a side note for those of you who preferred Danny Gokey's best friend to the actual Danny Gokey in Season 8:

Jamar Rogers has auditioned for The Voice, and is on Cee-lo's team!

He also had a pretty decent sob story (which was unfortunately over shadowed by Gokey's dead wife) that didn't get any play on Idol.  6 years ago he was addicted to meth, which left him HIV positive and living on the street.  

And ya know, the kid can sing.  So, during the evenings when you're not watching Idol, turn on The Voice and cheer for Jamar! 


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm The Greatest Star...But No One Knows It

Finally, we get to Hollywood and so we  can see how these sobbers, and strutters, and golly gee shuckers and diva wanna bees we met in the auditions measure up.

The format for the acapella song is supposed to be that the judges remain impassive until all 10 sing their songs and then they will announce who moves on. But, they cannot restrain themselves. Jennifer is *oh babying*; Randy is going *nice*; and Steven is in his trance face whenever they love somebody.  So..I think its safe to say that by the time they do their final vote, everyone in the group of 10 knows deep down if they are going to make it or not to the next round but of course, the losers are in deep denial. 

Forgive me if I inadvertently *spoil* the surprise for you with a couple of these contestants.  You could have looked at the top 24 a few posts down as any normal person would have and then it wouldn't be a spoiler for you.  I'm not going to pass up a couple of good remarks to baby those of you who are too pristine to cheat and see who is in and who is out. 

Contestant number one is Johnny Keyser from St. Louis.  He's not one bit nervous because Jennifer told him he was going to be a star when he auditioned in St. Louis and he's pretty sure he's got this covered and is already doing his confetti dance and dreaming of outselling Carrie Underwood.  Heck, he probably already has his first grammy acceptance speech written.  Well, Johnny, you made it through Round 1 but if you are going to be a star no one will know it from watching the rest of the season. 

Our second contestant, He Ju is at the opposite end of the spectrum.  He's amazed at the beauty and talent of the other contestants, is as nervous as a drunk in rehab, and appears to have DT's as well as he shakes it off.  But he does  Now, at this point,  I'm thinking he will be slaughtered in the group rounds by evildoers. I'm thinking wrong. 

We next quickly see a trio of good women singers.  Elise Testone has a nice jazzy vibe, Baylie Brown (despite her name that is so sweetie cute you need insulin to recover) has some Carrie Underwood going for her; and Hallie Day who was my favorite in the auditions.  She sang another song I like but I thought she put a little too much melisma on it so I hope she tones it down for future rounds. 

Two more women audition...Jenn Hirsch who is has a sweet face but is determined to look as plain as possible, and Lauren Gray who won't stop singing she is so in love with her own self.  I'm rooting for Lauren to fail.

Then a group of bad women singers all of whom seemed to beg for another chance to kill our eardrums and who were frankly, just pathetic to watch.

The next segment gives us Phil Phillips who *aw shucks* himself into the next round; Reed Grim, whose family is Wisconsin's answer to the Osmonds; and poor homeless Travis whose father is desperately ill and whose mother ran off with another man.  Travis tries and he has some good tones but no fluidity and I just kept thinking: *you sound constipated*.  I said at the time he got to Hollywood with more sob than talent and of course he goes home along with Ramiro, another sobber who has a home but no ears and a couple of who cares who they are people. 

Adam Brock is a heavyset Danny Gokey look alike and sound alike except his wife is alive and so is his baby girl.  He and the big black woman inside of him makes it  through.

Jim Carrey's daughter Jane seems to be pretty sweet and unpretentious, but she is also unremarkable so home she goes. (She actually has real jobs like waitressing and isn't living on a trust fund so I don't hate her because her dad is famous).

I love David Leathers.  I should be annoyed with him because he is a smart aleck ball of hutzpah but he cracks me up and he can sing.  

Shannon Magrone is next.  For some reason her entire family was in the room when she auditioned (oh yeah..her dad is some has been professional ball player who has a World Series ring but no one remembers his name).  She is going to be giving me a migraine for the rest of the season I just know.  The diva drones will latch on to her like they did with Siobahn and Pia from prior years and Shannon will pull some cutesy *oh I'm only 17 and so wholesome* crap and America will vote for her as I smolder away.  When she gets a southern accent and starts singing country don't say I didn't tell you so!

Jessica Phillips, another sobber, actually sang pretty well so she is going through.  I did get a little emotional when she made it through and I saw how happy her boyfriend was so I'm not totally without empathy.

Erika Van Pelt has a low alto voice and I sort of like her.  Creighton and Aaron were sort of ho-hum to me but maybe I was getting tired.  Lauren Mink, despite her name and beauty, really is a good person but I don't know if she sang well enough to make it through. The guy they call *Doity* because hes a germaphobe was rather appealing but maybe its because I wash my hands all the time too so I could relate. 

And finally...Simone Black with a stage father that rivals David Archuletta's psycho dad,  and a head as big as my butt.  She's kibbitzing with the judges after nailing her song thinking *I'm the Greatest Star* and does a dumpster dive off the stage.  Serves her cocky self right I'm thinking.  Now, don't be getting all over me for being mean.  I haven't read that anyone got seriously injured in all the blogs and trade news about Idol so I'm sure she is just fine.  

Ok..tomorrow is the dreaded group night.  I read there was some horrible vomiting flu going around so that should be fun to watch, no? 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

How To Comment On The Blog

Since it took me awhile to figure it out myself today, I thought I would explain how it is done for those of you who may be as computer illiterate as I am.  Under the post there is a line that says 0 comments.  Click on that and you should be able to post a comment.  I think you can use any name you want to use and that you don't have to be a *follower* of the blog to comment.

I am taking this opportunity to also test out my ability to upload photos.  Yay it worked!   

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The End of the Road

Finally the auditions are over.  Although I understand they held another audition in New Jersey...and decided to dump the episode.  Either the producers have finally caught on that no one likes the auditions, so lets get on with the show... or they ran into a bunch of Snookie wannabees and realized that the contestants were asking the viewers to go a bridge too far.

So...who do we have in St. Louis?  To keep myself engaged in the show, I decided to rate each contestant on 2 meters with a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest):  the Sob-o-meter and the Sing-o-meter.  I wish I had thought of this sooner because I bet we could come up with a formula of sob to sing that would predict the vote before the judges even speak.  

First up is John Keeser.  He is the product of a broken home (his wicked mother abandoned him) and was raised by his father in Pompano Beach Florida. Jennifer says he will be a star, Steven swore (in a good way) and he is going to Hollywood.

Sob-o-meter: 1 (his mother is not dead,  his dad has a boat, and they are not homeless)

Sing-o-meter: 7 

Then the show reverts to a medley of bad talent from last year, this year, who knows what year just to keep those who watch the show to see people humiliated interested.  Sob-o-meter for all: 1 because they cannot sing and no one told them so.  Sing-o-meter for all:  0 because they cannot sing.

Our next serious contestant is Rochelle Lamb who brings her daughter Maddie into the room.  She was a professional singer until she fell in love with a man who *held her down*.  They are now divorcing and she gives a heartfelt rendition of a Faith Hill song about finding somebody new. She is very country in grammar and voice.  Maddie grooves along with her as she trashes Maddie's father with the song choice and lyrics. 

Sob-o-Meter: 3 (the contestant last night who was held down by her bad husband had 2 kids and Rochelle only has one.  Plus Rochelle named her daughter Maddie  and insulted her father in front of her.)

Sing-o-Meter: 6 (assuming you like that sort of thing...but Carrie Underwood is not losing any sleep tonight).

A side note:  Both Rochelle and the Kellogg woman from last night may have stolen the *my bad old man kept me down* line from a contestant on X-factor.  

Our next contestant who cannot sing Is Oliver MCrary and music is his *wife*.  Sob-o-meter: 5 (except it is me sobbing as my eardrums rupture)
Sing-o-meter: -5

Our next hopeful is Reese Glockner and he is straight out of the first episode of Glee.  He was bullied at school until he found the choir and made friends.  His singing made Steven cry and I guess it was ok although I thought the voice was a little thin.  

Sob-o-Meter: 4 (he is the first bully victim this season so I am being generous)

Sing-o-Meter: 7 (I'm taking Steven's word for it here)

Then Steven gives a pep talk to the remaining contestants and it is especially helpful  for Ethan Jones.  Steven can relate to Ethan's father who is presently in rehab.  Ethan sings in a country band with his father. Ethan sings well.

Sob-o-Meter: 5 (Steven's sb-o-m went to 10 on this one)
Sing-o-Meter: 7 

I took a break so missed Madonna's *hot new video*.  Please don't let her be a guest mentor this season as I cannot stand her fake British accent.  If she could get away with it, she would give herself a royal title (so she could call herself Lady Madonna)  but only the Queen can grant those, and I think the Queen is probably resistant to Madonna's charm. Of course she could always snag herself some random old Duke.

Now I really felt for the next guy, the hotel auditor.  I don't know if they dragged him in from the hallways or if he actually auditioned at the cattle call and was called back.  For a minute I thought he would be some competition for our Gentle Giant Germaine but then he sang.
Sob-o-Meter: 0 (he has a good day job)
Sing-o-Meter: 0

And our FINAL contestant in the audition rounds for Season 11 (well except for the Snookies in NJ) is Lauren Gray.  She loves her father a lot.  They sing in a band together on weekends.  She sang very loud and had a bit of a husky break in her voice.  
Sob-o-Meter: 0 (her father is not in rehab and you don't get points for loving your dad)
Sing-o-Meter:  7 

Hollywood week looks like its going to be interesting.  I suspect we will find some people to love and some to hate. 

I encourage readers to comment on all of our posts and I'm glad KK is finding some time to blog.  Its much more fun for me when she does!