As Auntee has alluded to, I am a proud child of the 80's. I loved everything about the decade - from the scrunchy neon colored socks, to the Aqua Netted bangs, to the music and movies!
Very few of these contestants even understand the 80's.
None of them appreciate it like I do.
So, last night looks like a bad movie. But we carry on.
Luckily Gwen Stefani and Tony Kanal are there to keep the contestants focused.
Best to Worst:
Skylar FTW! Thank GOD she didn't choose 9 to 5. Had she sung that, I honestly believe she'd be out the door. The dress was pretty (by AI standards,) and she looked gorgeous. I had a hard time getting into the song for about the first 1/4th of it, and then she changed keys and smacked me right in the face. If you had dry eyes at the end of this performance you're dead inside. (*I sang Wind Beneath My Wings, complete with sign language, to my parents at my 6th grade graduation*)
Phil Phillips - For the 1st time in ever, I get you, Phil. That's All is a classic 80's song, and Genesis is the epitome of 80's music (*I did a talent show try-out to I Can't Dance*). I don't know if I was hypnotized by those piercing blue eyes - since they were actually open and not squinty for once - or if the too short guitar strap didn't distract me since he opted to let family do the actual playing this time. But I liked it.
I will say that he is neither original or unique. I'm not the only person who has noticed the carbon copy of Dave Matthews. (I was a Dave Matthews fan in college, they're good. I get why Phil copies them. But don't pretend what you're doing is new.)
Baby of the Week - He's only this high because I like Cyndi Lauper that much. (*I fought with my BFF about who would sing backup in our basement performance of Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - I, unlike somebody, actually DID sing to boxes.*) ANYbody could sing ANY of Cyndi Lauper's songs and they'd be this high on my list.
Flipping the gender on this song is nothing new, though. It's a straight rip off of Javier Colon from The Voice. Who, incidentally, did it better.
Elise - This week was a little rocky for her. Hallelujah has been overdone on AI since Jason Castro (who, speaking of piercing eyes, is the only contestant to ever do it justice), BUT from the short blip they showed, I think it would've been better for her than Foreigner's I Wanna Know What Love Is. (*Which was on a mixed tape made for me by my 1st boyfriend.*) I sort of got a pitchy vibe, too. And a screamy one (I acknowledge it is a screamy song.) She looked really pretty though, and she's still one of my favorites.
Jessica - Of course picks Whitney Houston. Even though she's probably never even seen The Bodyguard (*the soundtrack was my 1st CD*) Her movements still looked lounge singer-ish, and it sounded like she was screaming most of the song. I see now why she sticks to ballads.
DeAndre - I had to YouTube Debarge's I Like It in the hopes that I'd actually heard the song before and DeAndre was just butchering it beyond recognition. But nope, never heard it. JLo notes that the hair swinging shows confidence. Randy likes how he didn't sing falsetto the whole song. I feel like we're in bizarro world where we fawn all over a contestant for his hair movements and what he didn't do.
Hollie - Aw, Hollie. I never thought I'd say this, but JLo's comments were spot on. We actually CAN see you thinking your way through all of these performances. Good job not falling down (why do they make the women wear ridiculous shoes?), but that's about it. What A Feeling is not a ballad. It's a rock song. Alex was a welder for crying out loud! (*I taught myself Flashdance choreography*)
Bottom 3: DeAndre, Hollie, Elise
Going home: Hollie
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