According to this article:, Ms. Minaj thinks she is the one carrying the show this season. Sources quote her trashing her fellow judges and blaming them for the shows low ratings. This was posted on Facebook for the world to comment on and you can see for yourself that the commenters are running about 20 to 1 against Nicki.
In fairness to Nicki, 4 judges is 1 judge too many and 1 diva and 1 diva wanna bee are 1 diva wanna bees too many. The fact that Idol keeps changing its format regarding the top 20...each year, the save that will never die, and the farce of contestant selection (Zoanetta anyone?) had to turn viewers off too. Also in fairness to Nicki, she is often on point in her critiques but putting up with the rest of her nonsense hardly makes the occasional gem worth sifting through the fecal matter that has become her shtick! And, as with Zoanetta, she if often profoundly wrong! I swear that Zoanetta fiasco nearly turned me off the show and I bet it did a lot of other matter how nice a person Zoanetta ultimately seemed to be...her talent was non-existent.
So there is blame to pass around...but Ms Minaj gets more than her fair share of it. Ultimately, the person whose bright idea it was to add her to the mix should be fired...but it might not matter. If Idol keeps going the way it has so far, I think that person will be looking for other employment anyway.
Update: A source is reporting that the Idol producers wanted to fire MARIAH and bring back JLo for the rest of the season in order to boost plummeting ratings. OMG. These people are nuts. Do they not READ what the audience is saying about Minaj? They are so out of touch with the viewers that the show deserves to die.
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