I didn't watch the show tonight, nor did I tape it so this is based on other sites recaps and I guess the big shock is that Lazaro was in the top 3. The *lets lose Lazaro* ploy did not work. I had a feeling Burnell would be going home after the performance he gave last night and of course, he could not be saved, especially with the public voting for Lazaro like crazy against the girls. I guess the judges named their top 3 which included fake Angie and Jimmy agreed with that assessment. I am sorry I missed Casey James perform, but it sounds like I picked a good night to have more pressing matters at hand than watching this show slowly self-destruct into oblivion.
I swear, if its a Lazaro/Angie final the blog will end summarily and probably forever. Of course, what does Idol expect but a farce of a program having brought in Nicki Minaj to make a mess of the panel and putting forth talent like Zoanetta as the next great thing when any other year she would be one of the joke contestants and forgotten? Not to mention getting rid of any male with talent before the top 20? I bet they give Zoanetta a featured performance on finale night. Do you suppose the voting public is thinking en masse....Idol you screwed the fans over this season with your stupid antics designed to generate ratings and we are going to shove it up your posterior by making Lazaro the next American Idol? Actually, I'm tempted to vote for him for just that reason. (I am really mad about being banned from their stupid web site).
Oh well...the Voice is on again Monday night.
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