No...Lazaro is finally gone and its about 2 weeks overdue, but I cannot help but wondering about the integrity of this result since he was in the top 3 last week. Perhaps this season just has very fickle voters or perhaps his sympathy voters just couldn't bring themselves to dial or sign in last night after his very dismal performances. So..the Lazaro era has ended.
The show tonight started with Ryan pairing the groups off, an exercise which just wastes the too many minutes they have to fill on Thursday night. The group performs a medley of Bacharach/David songs and each one gets a moment to shine. Lazaro sings *This Guy* way off key and messes up the lyrics...not a good portent for the night. Maybe I'm just seeing things but it looked like the ladies were giving him a wide berth as if they didn't want to catch whatever he has that has made him become even more terrible than he was to begin with. They all end singing *Thats What Friends Are For* and I'm thinking Angie would like to stab them all in the back or trip them up on stage. Maybe she really is a sweetheart and not the calculating selfish diva but I don't think so.
We have a rare Ford commercial where they all play Fiesta soccer. I'm sorry but I just burst out laughing (and still chuckle) when I see that when Lazaro is driving to make the decisive score the announcer says *oh nooo...he's booted it into the stands*. Story of his week.
Nice to see Scotty again although I thought the song was a little weak and having not really followed Kelley Clarkson, it was nice to see and hear her again but whoever did the glitter on her eyelids should be shot because it made her look like a scary kewpie doll. Mariah and Kelley have a little moment where Kelley is star struck and I actually believe she really is. Unlike some who experience sudden fame, Kelley has really kept her head about her. No Lindsay Lohan moments for her. Admirable.
Ok, now they have them paired 2x2 and no surprise (but still a relief) that Candice and Kree are in the top 2. I was sort of hoping that Angie and Janelle were in the bottom 2 (they would have used the save for either of them at this point since Lazaro was still there) so that Angie could get a dose of humility) but not at the expense of enduring Lazaro fail another week. I feel bad for Amber because I think she is so much more talented and a far nicer (less self-entitled) person than Angie but for some reason the viewers aren't loving her. But Burnell evidently does!
Next week, Angie will be writhing at her piano over God songs since Nicki told her to do what she does best and she will. Its getting warmer and I might not need my houseshoes by then so if I need them to catch some sick, they will be there.
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