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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Only Majesty and Dexter were Surprised Tonight

Well, MK is going back to San Francisco, her *hella* hometown.   I have to say I'm sorry to see her go but not surprised.  With the death slot and her miscue last night, it would have been a miracle if she survived...she didn't have the fan base to push her through a bad performance as evidently CJ does.  I thought they just might save her but I think Harry was the hold out.  I don't know if they are saving the save for Majesty or what.  I sort of wish they had used the save but really...if MK hasn't captured the voter's hearts by now she probably never will.  It is one thing to be saved after a good performance that the audience didn't get or after one flawed performance after a string of excellence.  Its another to be barely hanging on each week.

Could America possibly be tiring of Dexter?  I dearly hope so.  I think he is probably a *hella* guy  but he is no *artist* and lacks charisma.  I wonder if the voters were put off by Majesty's poor breath control (2nd week in a row) or if it just thinks she is being coddled and pushed by the judges.  Glad to see CJ gets one more chance to fix his intonation problems.  Really glad to see Jessica wasn't punished for her song choice.  

As for *I luh ya Papi*, JLo can dance and autotune can sing and if you think that was a live performance you can buy me a steak.  I give her credit though.  After it was over I tried sing saying the chorus to my cat, Monica.  I cannot get the I luh ya luh ya luh ya Papi part out of my mouth.  My tongue doesn't even twist...it tangles.  If you can do it on the first try, I might buy you a steak. 

Royal Teeth?  Was that their name?  Bad name.  Odd group but maybe they will grow on me someday (who am I kidding...I will never hear them again unless they become the new Gaga).  I thought the sound was bad and overpowered the vocals.  The lead male vocalist looks like a weasel.  He needs to gain some weight.  Someone buy him a steak.

Don't know why I am obsessed with steak tonight. Probably the subpar chicken casserole I threw together for dinner.

Until next week...      


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